Margaret of Scotland, dauphine of France, Ownership Confirmed (1435?-16 August 1445) by Other.
Jeanne Filleul, Ownership Possible (1445) by Instance of borrowing, other.
Prégente de Melun-La Borde, lady of Courcelles, Ownership Possible (1445) by Instance of borrowing, other.
Paviot, Jacques. "Les Honneurs de la cour d'Eléonore de Poitiers." In Autour de Marguerite d'Ecosse: Reines, princesses et dames du XVe siècle, ed. Geneviève Contamine and Philippe Contamine (Paris: Champion, 1999), 163-79. 177
Wingfield, Emily. Scotland's Royal Women and European Literary Culture, 1424-1587 (Turnhout: Brepols, 2023): 64